1 medium apple, 1 container flavored Light & Fit greek yogurt, 1 cup Cheerios cinnamon oat crunch, 1 cup 2 % milk
Some mornings you just have to get up and go. Cooking breakfast or finding different things to throw in the blender may not go as quickly as you need them to. Well this 500 calorie meal is a quick up and out the door meal that doesn’t require much of anything.
More importantly than this being a quick meal, it is light and filled with fiber and protein to help get you through the morning. Many times when trying to lose weight we forget that we can eat smaller portions during meals that contain foods that are exactly what we need to sustain our appetite. Losing weight does not have to leave us feeling hungry throughout the day.
One of the keys to success when losing weight is picking the right TYPES of foods to sustain your appetite. You want to chose things that include fiber and protein to help you get to that next meal or snack. While both can help keep you fuller longer they each can also play a different role in providing your body more. Check out my future blogs and I will explain more on fiber and protein and how they can help in your weight loss journey.
-Author Barbara Benman
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